Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Invisible Monkeys

Day Trip

Date: Jan 2, 2011
Location: Cantagallo, Manabi, Ecuador

While one group went to Isla de la Plata, the rest of us tested one of Puerto Cayo's future attractions (but still in the works): A Monkey Excursion. This was the first time that they had planned this trip with tourists. We were the guinea-pigs, but that didn't stop us.

The plan was simple- we had a car, a guide, and a monkey hotspot. Oscar was our guide, and we all piled up on a pickup truck towards Cantagallo, where we entered monkey territory. After a bumpy ride we got off at a ranch and within minutes we were walking down a path in the jungle.
As we walked our guide retold us the history of the jungle, and the names of the local animals and plants. We walked quickly and kept a lookout for monkey tracks and monkey sightings. But after a lengthy hour hike, our hopes of monkeys were low, but we were far from unhappy. The rich wildlife in the forest was enough of a spectacle for us to enjoy, and we headed back to Puerto Cayo smiling, and enjoying the beautiful sunset, as seen below.


Entering the forest:

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